The late-night infomercials were filled with bold claims about the dissolvable oral strips being sold. Redwood Scientific Technologies (RSCI) marketed these strips as a solution to quit smoking, lose weight, or improve male performance in bed.

Customers who gave testimonials for the company’s homeopathic male enhancement drug, Prolongz, claimed remarkable results. One man boldly stated, “I used Prolongz last night and this morning, if you know what I mean.”

However, the claims made by Redwood Scientific Technologies regarding the effectiveness of their products did not go unnoticed. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was quick to launch an investigation into the company's assertions about Prolongz, their homeopathic smoking cessation drug called TBX-Free, and their weight-loss strip known as Eupepsia Thin.

After a lengthy legal battle, a judge ruled that the California-based company had indeed made false claims regarding the efficacy of their drugs. Consequently, the judge ordered Redwood Scientific Technologies to cease their operations.

But that's not the end of the story. In addition to the civil lawsuit, federal prosecutors brought criminal charges against Jason Edward Thomas Cardiff, the head of the company. They accused him of fraudulently charging customers for drugs they never requested and coercing employees to destroy vital documents that were requested by the FTC as part of their investigation.

However, there was a complication for the prosecutors. Cardiff had already left the country, selling his house in Upland, California. He had relocated to Ireland, where he held dual citizenship along with his daughter and wife, who had also been involved in running Redwood Scientific.

As of now, Cardiff's attorney has not responded to requests for comments on the matter.

Cat-and-Mouse Game Unveiled: The Alleged Crimes of Cardiff

In a recently filed court document, prosecutors shed light on the relentless pursuit of Timothy Cardiff, accusing him of engaging in a protracted game of evasion. Their objective was simple: to uncover the truth behind Cardiff's business practices and expose his alleged attempts to conceal assets and eliminate evidence.

What investigators claim to have unearthed is deeply concerning. Apparently, Cardiff routinely charged customers' credit cards for Redwood Scientific's drugs, even if they hadn't placed any orders. Moreover, when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) demanded pertinent documents, allegations suggest that Cardiff promptly ordered their destruction.

Martin Estrada, the U.S. attorney for the central district of California, did not mince words when he proclaimed, "This indictment alleges a blatant ripoff that simply charged customers for products they never ordered."

Despite facing criminal charges and a court order to cease selling its drugs, Redwood Scientific continued to offer shares of the company as over-the-counter stock. In addition, Cardiff himself made public statements regarding their research on refining oral strip technology, as revealed in documents submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Over the past year, the company's stock experienced extraordinary volatility, with prices ranging from as little as two-hundredths of a cent to 42 cents. However, news of Cardiff's indictment caused shares to plummet by 42%, reaching a value of only 16 cents on Thursday.

Notably, Cardiff's involvement in questionable activities extends beyond Redwood Scientific. In 2020, he was linked to VPL Medical, a separate company that allegedly secured a $20 million, no-bid contract to supply masks to the Department of Veterans Affairs during the initial stages of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, once Cardiff's role came to light, the deal was promptly canceled.

These disturbing revelations paint a vivid picture of a man seemingly involved in a web of deceit and manipulation, showcasing the extent of his alleged crimes. As the legal proceedings unfold, the question on everyone's mind remains: will justice be served?

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