In the volatile world of oil futures, recent developments have left traders on edge. Reports suggesting an Israel-Hamas ceasefire and hostage deal had been secured sent shockwaves through the market. However, it became evident that Qatar had yet to finalize the agreement, leading to uncertainty and subsequent declines in oil prices.

The Current State of Oil Futures

Despite the previous session's selloff, oil futures saw little change in the early hours of Friday. The West Texas Intermediate crude for March delivery climbed a mere 2 cents, reaching $73.84 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Simultaneously, the global benchmark, April Brent crude, experienced a modest increase of 3 cents, reaching $78.73 per barrel on ICE Futures Europe. Both WTI and Brent face weekly declines of 5% or more.

OPEC+ and Production Policy

News reports have shed light on the recent decision made by OPEC+ regarding the organization's production policy. The coalition, comprised of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies, including Russia, chose to maintain unchanged production levels. However, they plan to reevaluate this decision come March, determining whether to extend output cuts implemented last year for the first quarter.

Impending Retaliatory Strikes

Adding further complexity to the market situation, traders anxiously await news of retaliatory strikes by the United States. A recent drone attack carried out by an Iran-backed group resulted in the unfortunate loss of three American troops in Jordan. As a result, market analysts at Jefferies emphasize the significance of updates on ceasefire talks and potential retaliatory strikes from the White House.

The Road Ahead

While oil futures remain in flux, traders must navigate the ever-changing landscape with caution. Clarity regarding the Israel-Hamas ceasefire and hostage deal will bring stability to the market, as will updates on the White House's stance on retaliatory strikes. As the industry looks toward the future, only time will reveal the true impact of these events on oil prices.

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