
Cleveland Federal Reserve President Loretta Mester warned against the potential negative consequences of lowering interest rates prematurely. Speaking at the Ohio Bankers League meeting in Columbus, Mester emphasized the need for sufficient evidence that inflation is on a sustainable path before taking any swift action.

Maintaining Progress

Mester stressed that moving rates down too soon or too quickly without proper evidence of inflation returning to the target of 2% would undermine the hard work already invested in reducing inflation. It is essential not to jeopardize the progress made thus far.

Inflation Figures

The Federal Reserve's preferred measure of inflation, the personal consumption expenditure price index, recorded a 2.6% annual rate in December. This figure represents a decline from the 5.4% rate observed in the same month a year earlier.

Fed's Stance on Interest Rates

According to the Fed's policy statement, officials do not anticipate cutting interest rates until they have greater confidence in a sustainable decline of inflation towards the central bank's 2% target.

Future Prospects

While Mester expressed a positive outlook for the economy, she did not provide a specific timeframe for when this confidence may be gained. However, she did suggest that if the economy behaves as expected, the Fed might consider lowering rates later this year.

Mester to Leave Post as Cleveland Fed President

Cleveland Federal Reserve President, Loretta Mester, has announced that she will be leaving her post in June when her term comes to an end. Mester, known for her hawkish stance, has been a voting member of the Fed's interest-rate committee this year.

In a recent speech, Mester emphasized the importance of caution when considering the future of inflation. Despite last year's rapid improvement, she believes it would be unwise to assume that such growth will continue as the price level approaches the Fed's targeted 2%.

Mester also expressed concerns regarding the supply-side of the economy. While improved supply chains and a larger pool of available workers contributed to last year's economic boost, she suggests that these factors may not be as strong this time around.

Looking ahead, Mester expects economic growth to moderate in the coming year, resulting in a decrease in inflation. Additionally, household spending is predicted to slow down in 2024 as consumers become increasingly price-sensitive.

The prevailing approach to Fed policy this year, according to Mester, is assessing risks. Acting too soon could lead to higher inflation, while keeping rates low for too long risks damaging the labor market.

In other news, U.S. stocks have experienced slight gains in morning trading on Tuesday, accompanied by a 5 basis point drop in the 10-year Treasury yield.

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