Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is making waves in the race for the White House, earning significant support in a recent poll focused on the crucial state of New Hampshire. Despite facing stiff competition from former President Donald Trump, Haley has secured an impressive 29% support in the CBS News/YouGov poll released on Sunday, while Trump maintains a considerable lead with 44%.

The poll's results have sparked speculation about Haley's potential for increased support if other Republican candidates were to drop out of the race. Liam Donovan, a former GOP operative and current principal at law and lobbying firm Bracewell, expressed this sentiment on social media, specifically highlighting former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who received 10% support in the poll.

Other notable contenders in the poll include Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis with 11%, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy with 5%, and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson with 1%.

With New Hampshire's Republican presidential primary set for January 23, just eight days after Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses, the race is heating up. Observers are keeping a close eye on Haley's momentum and her potential to challenge Trump's dominance.

From 's Archives (Dec. 6, 2023): Nikki Haley Surges Ahead of Republican Debate, But Faces Uphill Battle Against Trump

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