Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is a firm believer in the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI). He confidently claims that AI has the potential to double the productivity of even the most skilled and highly paid workers.

A Game-Changing Intelligence

Schmidt emphasized the significance of non-human intelligence entering the scene, asserting that AI will soon be capable of handling complex tasks that will ultimately lead to the automation of highly skilled jobs.

The Automation Wave

In discussion with former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, Schmidt pointed out that AI technologies are progressing rapidly. He noted that roles traditionally performed by paralegals and programmers are already being automated, and predicted that academics and executives may soon face similar challenges.

Touching Every Sector

From legal briefs to software testing, Schmidt highlighted how various job functions will be affected as AI applications evolve. He stressed that no role is immune to automation, with even top-paying jobs potentially at risk.

The Writing on the Wall

Schmidt went on to suggest that AI's reach could extend to creative fields like literature. He mused about AI competing with renowned writers in producing literary masterpieces through sophisticated data analysis.

The Inevitable Transition

Despite reassurances, Schmidt cautioned that no role is exempt from potential AI disruption. While some may be spared for longer, the impact is inevitable, even for academics and executives, albeit in due time.

This insightful vision from Eric Schmidt, who steered Google as CEO from 2001 to 2011, provides a glimpse into the imminent AI-driven revolution in the workforce.

The Power of AI in Writing

"I go to a lot of events where people say: 'well, a computer will never be able to write something with the human experience and evocativeness that humans can write.' That's just false, these systems can actually read what a millions humans felt and produce something as good as the great humans can," he said.

"Remember that these systems are looking at human experiences and they're generalizing in a way that we as individuals - as smart as you are - cannot do," Schmidt said.

The Future of Automation

The tech exec, however, said he believes the worst jobs will likely be automated first. "Historically... automation tends to replace the most dangerous and poorest jobs," Schmidt said.

AI Enhancing Work Efficiency

Looking ahead, Schmidt suggested AI will one day allow workers to automate tasks they would have previously completed themselves, using simple text prompts.

"The way it will work is it'll be basically text to action. You'll have an idea, and you'll say I want a 'this' and the system will show you the recipe or organize the events... The systems will be smart enough to be able to communicate, send emails, make phone calls and so forth."

Productivity Growth with AI

Schmidt's comments follow U.S. Federal Reserve board member Lisa Cook's suggestions on Thursday that any productivity gains made through adoption of AI technologies may take longer to reap than many are expecting.

"Looking ahead, I see artificial intelligence (AI) as a potentially significant source of productivity growth, but that will take time," Cook said. "History shows that the journey from invention of general-purpose technologies to innovation to productivity can be long and uneven."

"Although adoption of generative AI is happening at a rapid clip, the full benefit of a technology requires complementary investments as well as changes in corporate structure, management practices, and worker training," the Federal Reserve board member said.

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